An affirmation of the creative process

Foreword by Genevieve Leong
Written for The Scentscape Dossier: A Design Study – a publication by A Thing of Sense


I have long devoted my practice to the visualising of the intangible – which I’d like to define as the quiet space where thoughts dwell before they begin to take form. Perhaps an endeavour such as this will always be deemed unattainable, as these almost-thoughts and half-articulated-sentences might cease to exist even before we embrace their essences. Yet I press on anyway.

When I came to know A Thing of Sense, it had been as though I uncovered an entire entity that sought to speak about this intangibility that I have so often pursued. Through imagined moods, atmospheric qualities of sound and space, and deliciously descriptive scent notes, A Thing of Sense has added on to me a whole lot of possibility in expanding this ever-growing landscape of the invisible. Scent, in its simultaneous elusiveness and omnipresence, has always had the uncanny ability to connect us to the world in a manner that precedes language, or understanding.

Hence, to commemorate and celebrate the articulated atmospheres that A Thing of Sense has dreamt up for our partaking, this short essay is my pursuit in making sense of – although never in linearity despite my sincere attempts at structure and category – how a beautiful half-thought might unfold. It also seeks to serve as a reminder for us to hold on to and cultivate that drifting word, or that indeterminate emotion, such that we might hold the world together in ways we can sense but never fully grasp.